Thursday, June 12, 2008

15 Ways To Save $10+

1.Make your own coffee instead of buying it.

2.Stop drinking soda or getting snacks from the vending machine.

3.Get Netflix and stop renting movies, going to the movie theater and getting Pay-Per-View.

4.Turn off the light when you leave the room.

5.Adjust the thermostat on your AC and heater.

6.Plan your errands so you go out less often. Have the route planned ahead of time to save money on gas.

7.Run outside or ride your bike and cancel your gym membership.

8.Bring your lunch to work.

9.Stop smoking and drinking.

10.Cut back on snacks and junk food from the grocery store.

11.Cancel magazine or other subscriptions you don't use.

12.Download less music.

13.Only use your bank's ATM and avoid all the fees from other banks.

14.Reshop car insurance.

15.Eat less meat.

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